Attic Cleaning Services Offer Various Methods of Dealing With Attic Rodent Infestations

Attic cleaning services provide homeowners a way to keep their homes free from mice and rats. To learn more about attic cleanings, click on the attached link or call for an appointment to talk with a professional service to walk you through the entire procedure. It is advisable to call in professionals with experience in removing mice and rats before conducting a full-scale cleaning.


Mice and rats are capable of entering attics through openings, tiny holes, or cracks in the building materials used to build the home. Some types of pests have a very keen sense of smell. In order to avoid this type of infestation, professional services are often able to remove the problem before it develops into a serious problem. Attic cleaning services also utilize heat, water, and chemicals to destroy infestations in non-ventilated areas. They also conduct insulation removal and attic cleanup services in order to remove any remaining mice or rats in your home. Attic cleaning services

A number of building materials, such as drywall, wood, or carpeting, can harbor rodent or insect infestations. Professional services will use heavy-duty vacuums to extract small animals and clean the dirt and debris from areas where rodents have been hiding. Many homes will need to be treated for mold if the resident suffers from asthma or allergies. The majority of homeowners with allergies are able to remain indoors while their air ducts and heating systems are inspected and repaired by professional technicians. Attic cleaning services will provide attic cleanup services in most neighborhoods listed below.


The majority of building materials in attics are constructed from materials that allow mouse and rat infestations to flourish. Some of these materials include particle board, sheet rock, plywood, glue board, and cellulose insulation. Each of these building materials is susceptible to the buildup of mouse and rat droppings, which contaminate the inside of houses and create poor indoor air quality. In order to improve the indoor air quality of their clients' homes, professionals utilize a variety of cleaning techniques and methods.

While some professionals may simply opt to hire an experienced pest control company to perform an inspection and then repair any insect infestation, most companies offer a complete inspection and complete pest control treatment as well. When choosing an attic cleaning service to perform an inspection and complete pest control treatment, it's important to choose one that utilizes a state of the art technology and equipment. Many pest control companies offer advanced techniques and equipment that allow them to spot and solve indoor air quality problems more quickly than traditional techniques.

A professional technician who utilizes state-of-the-art technology will assess the severity of a residential or commercial building's rodent infestation and recommend a specific solution. One solution may be removing the rats and/or mice in the home. If there are no visible signs of rodent activity in the attic, then professional cleaning experts may recommend that the home's heating system or air conditioning unit be inspected and serviced. Once the air quality in the home is restored to acceptable levels, the technician will recommend other action to prevent future rodent infestations.


Professional cleaners will often recommend the installation of air-monitoring devices in every room of the house, including the attic. When air monitoring is performed, professionals will check for evidence of rodents originating from the home's walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, insulation, and attic. If there is insufficient air flow through the home's duct work or the home's insulation, then the source of the rodents could be found within the attic. In order to resolve the problem, a professional contractor may recommend the removal and replacement of damaged, ineffective, and obsolete insulation; or in the case of a mild infestation, the installation of new insulation.

If there is an attic infestation, professional cleaners will often offer rodent exclusion services to ensure the problem is completely resolved. This type of service is typically offered after the initial clean-up of the home, but not before. The benefits of a professional service to remove and dispose of rodents and their eggs include: ensuring that there are no ill-effected individuals within the home; preventing the spread of a deadly rodent infestation; and protecting the structural integrity of the home.