Discover How a Solar Pump Helps Reduce Energy Costs

Solar pumps are a form of water storage device. It is made up of a solar collector that is usually placed on the roof of a building or other structure to collect solar heat and then convert it into mechanical force. Solar pumps run independently of the sun, using the radiated heat or stored solar energy available from accumulated solar radiation rather than grid electricity-or gasoline-and hence are environmentally friendly.


A solar pump is a self-contained unit that utilizes available water sources for the purpose of hydraulic circulation within a well. They can be used for a wide range of applications such as agricultural water pumping, domestic well water pumping, municipal water source pumping and groundwater flow systems. They can be used to pump both fresh and salty water sources and also for irrigation and urban water pumping as well. They can operate on a variety of engines and are available in a variety of sizes and types.

The most common type of this type of water pumping unit is a closed loop system that collects solar heat and channels it through a collector that converts it into mechanical force. They are typically used in groundwater-flow systems for large irrigation networks. There are two basic types of collectors available. One is a closed loop construction with a storage tank and the other is an open top design, which does not have a storage tank.

In a closed loop system, the pump collection area has PV modules. The PV modules are designed to trap the sun's rays during daylight hours and turn it into electrical power required by the pump. In an open top design, the unit is installed on the roof. This allows the flow rate of the water through the system to determine the capacity of the pump. Since the sun's rays are used to charge PV modules, the flow rate needed is directly proportional to the capacity of the pump. Solar Pump


Solar pumps can either be direct or indirect water source. A direct pump uses a pump motor to move water from a source (e.g. a lake or reservoir) directly to a utility grid. Indirect water source systems use a series of smaller pump motors to move water from a more distant, more reliable and cleaner source. The electricity required by these systems can be generated by nuclear power plants using uranium or coal. A utility grid is not necessary because the system does not need to be attached to a utility grid.

Although solar power systems operate on direct current (DC), it is important to note that this type of power is not infinitely available. This means that a solar pump cannot provide infinite amounts of power. When the sun does not shine for an extended period of time, it will not be possible to generate the amount of electricity needed to run a pump that is used in residential water pumping applications. Since the generation of electricity is one of the keys to running these systems, many people have become advocates of solar energy and hydroelectricity. They believe that these types of alternative energy sources are the way to go.

However, hydroelectricity has an advantage over solar pumps. One advantage is the fact that it does not rely on the location of the pump to maintain pressure. These types of pumps use gravity in order to create pressure, and when the location of the pump and the depth of the reservoir is different than the sun, the generated pressure is not constant. However, as long as the pressure remains the same regardless of what the location is, a solar pump will be effective.


Solar power systems are becoming more popular as residential energy costs continue to rise. These systems do not require any type of in-ground structure in order to generate electricity. The PV system is mounted on the roof or other external structure and the pump is connected to an on-site utility source using copper wires or high voltage cables. Since most people living in the United States have access to a fresh water source and wind turbines, solar water pump systems are an excellent option for purchasing a renewable energy source.