VNPHtha Water For Your Animals

VM&P Naphtha Thick Coat Conditioner is a conditioning treatment derived from Naphtha, a byproduct of petroleum. It has an intense flavor and a light odor. Naphtha is often referred to as "thick oil," because it resembles petroleum jelly, but it's actually much better. Like all essential oils, it's not recommended for cosmetics and skin products.
It was formulated for use in treating water-based finishes. Although it is very thick, it's intended to penetrate the smallest cracks and pores. By using it on painted and varnished wood, it can restore the luster and shine. It penetrates deep enough that it will not attract a magnet.


I've been testing several types of water-based products. The consistent result has been an increase in shine for my cars, boats, and other outdoor equipment. While clear polymers tend to be streak-free, VN PHtha is not streak-free. Clear water reflects more light back to the surface than colored water, which imparts a bluish tint to it.

Over two hundred commercial applications were performed using this oil with satisfactory results. The water turned out streak-free and shiny. I've also used it on plastic toys without problems. One cosmetic issue was resolved when a small piece of oil became stuck between the clear water and the painted finish on my daughter's bedroom vanity. Cleaning the oil out made the problem go away. More info

A friend tried VN PHtha on her stainless steel sink, and she noticed that it brought out the color of the metal. After applying it to an unpainted metal surface, she saw a nice shine. In addition, she said that the oil made the finish appear brighter. While I don't think she'll use it on her granite countertops, she will probably put it on the faucets in her kitchen.


About the only thing I can tell from all my research is that VN PHtha is very safe to use on any type of surface. It's also easy to clean up. When used as directed, it should keep your sink, faucet, or shower look new for many years. If used on wooden furniture, it might seal the pores of the wood and prevent them from reacting to the cleaner.

There are a few things to know about VNPHtha that you should be aware of. Since it is clear, there is no need to be afraid of accidentally splashing it on an open area. However, the oil will not ruin latex foam products, as some people fear. It also doesn't interact with latex paint, so it won't affect the durability of your painted or porcelain surfaces. And, while it's non-toxic, it does have a distinct smell, so you may want to wear a mask if you get into direct contact with it.

So, if you have concerns about your drinking water, VN PHtha water might be a good alternative for you to consider. It has safe levels of lead and copper and it's been found that it is as effective at cleaning water as chlorine is. It's also been found that it is safer to use than chlorine itself, which is why VN PHtha is used on everything from swimming pools to livestock water troughs. VNPHtha also comes in a variety of different strengths, depending on what you need it for. If you're looking for a great way to disinfect a body of water for a party, you can find kits that have stronger chemicals like VNPHtha in them. If you have a farm or ranch, you can purchase a formula that works well on larger areas. It can also work well for cleaning out fish ponds or other bodies of water.

As far as how it works, VNPHtha works by killing the bacteria in the water as well as killing the microorganisms that are making the water smell bad. This means that it is completely safe to drink as well. The way that VNPHtha works is by using a combination of oxygen and enzymes to make sure that the bacteria is completely dead. While the bacteria is dying, VNPHtha interrupts the process of photosynthesis that the bacteria uses to produce oxygen, essentially zapping it out of the water. Once the bacteria is gone, the water stops smelling and begins to be clear.


It can be difficult to keep a water supply clean, but it is worth it for your animals. VNPHtha is extremely effective, has no harmful side effects, and is completely safe to use. If you get the right formula, it can be very effective in disinfecting your water supply.