Colla AC - Medicine For Acne

Colla AC is a popular medicine used to treat acne. Its active ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. This medication should only be used on the affected skin and should be applied once or twice daily. The dosage should be adjusted according to the severity of your acne and your response to the treatment. You should see an improvement in your acne condition after three to six weeks of use and achieve maximum benefits after eight to twelve weeks. Dosing more frequently will not improve your acne condition faster and you will risk adverse effects.


The main effect of this medicine is to eliminate excess sebum and dead skin cells. It also helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars and blemishes. However, do not exceed the recommended dosage or frequency. In some cases, the effects may not be seen immediately. Nevertheless, you may find your acne clearing up within a week or two. To get the best results, you should take the recommended dosage or the one recommended by your doctor.

It is important to note that Colla AC medicine of acne contains benzoyl peroxide, which works as an antiseptic by killing the microorganisms on the skin. You can use this product as a face wash or gel. Sometimes, benzoyl peroxide is combined with potassium hydroxyquinoline sulfate, which kills the germs on the skin. This medicine is sold as a cream, namely Quinoderm. There are a few different varieties of this medicine, including a prescription-only version.

The effectiveness of this acne medicine is determined by its ability to remove cog pores and dead skin cells. It is combined with other active ingredients to produce the best results. This acne medication may be the answer to your acne problem. It is also the best choice if you are trying to clear up a scar from the previous years. You should always remember that there is no such thing as a cure for acne! You must try this medicine and follow the instructions.


The active ingredient in Colla AC is benzoyl peroxide. This product works as an antiseptic by killing the bacteria on the skin. It is available as a face wash and gel. It is often combined with potassium hydroxyquinoline sulfate. It is also sold as a prescription cream and can be combined with other active ingredients to help treat acne. It is recommended for people who have severe acne because it will reduce the risk of developing new lesions and prevent them from recurring.

The combination of benzoyl peroxide has been used to treat acne for many years. It is effective at reducing the amount of bacteria on the skin, reducing the redness and itchiness that plagues a person. It is also known to help with removing acne scars and preventing new ones from forming. Using a topical treatment is an excellent option for treating acne.

Glycolic acid is an important component in Colla AC medicine. It helps in removing dead skin cells and unclogs the pores. It also reduces the amount of oil and sebum on the skin. It is usually used in combination with other active ingredients to treat acne. It is used as a prescription drug in a doctor's office. This medicine is safe for most people and will not cause serious side effects.

The use of benzoyl peroxide is also a popular medicine for acne. It works by killing the germs on the skin. The gel is often mixed with a drug called phloracetic acid. Those with acne should avoid this medication if it causes irritation. Those with acne should consult a doctor for a prescription. In addition to benzoyl peroxide, the cream contains benzoyl sulfate, which also kills microorganisms on the skin.


This medicine is effective in treating acne. It works by removing dead skin cells and opening up pores. It also helps reduce acne scars. The acid is usually combined with other active ingredients to treat the acne. Its main effect is to clear the skin. When applied regularly, it will reduce inflammation. It may be used as a topical cream. The cream should not be used more than the recommended dosage. It is not an effective medicine for acne alone.